Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Meeting Notes for Pettigrew Heights Neighborhood Conservation Area Committee. March 25, 2009

City Council member Kermit Staggers was a fresh face in our group today. It was good to see him there. He liked it so much, he plans on attending the next meeting!

The Urban Agriculture Garden and Market Kick Off Event is scheduled for April 15th, 2009 at Lowell Elementary. Mayor Dave Munson is planning on attending.

The Pettigrew Heights Neighborhood Art Show is April 18th from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. This will be held at the Summit House on the corner of 12th and Summit. This is free and open to the public. All are welcomed to contribute their art and/or music. If you have any questions, contact Hannah at 271-0721 or

Shireen Ranshau announced that 731 S. Summit is a foreclosed house that they will be auctioning off for rehab. Bid packets are available at Sioux Falls Housing.

John Hart announced that they are (not so patiently) waiting for work to begin on the 37 unit, 4-story housing development VOA has in the works. April 28th is the date for (ground-breaking?) This apartment complex will consist of one and two bedroom apartments for women completing rehab so they may be with their children. This provides safe affordable housing. Since they doubt all the units will be filled, they expect it will also provide safe affordable housing for other Sioux Falls residents. John has promised a picture of the future building that I will post as soon as it becomes available.

The Sioux Falls Homeless Coalition is awaiting numbers for the total of homeless in Sioux Falls. This homeless count, Stacey Tieszen stated would most likely be much higher than previous counts. The reason for the increase in this year's count is they are now counting "doubled up" people as well. These are people that don't have their own home, and are living with others.

Victor, a new member of the Committee, brought up the difficulty felons are having finding housing. Since most applications for housing include the question about felony convictions, these people are either denied housing or forced to lie. Lying places them back in the mindset they are trying to avoid.

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