Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ah, The Fresh Signs of Spring

The snow has finally melted, though we hesitate to put the shovel away lest we anger Jack Frost. We fear another vengeful punch of chill and white. We sneak gloves and parkas one-by-one into storage for we know a complete clearance of winter clothing will surely result in a blizzard of record proportions. It has been proven, as you may well know, to happen in the versatile climate of South Dakota.

I enjoy walking through the neighborhood and taking in the hints of spring. My grape hyacinth is blooming and the rhododendron, in her garish pink spring attire, solicits invitations to early pollenators. Buds emerge on trees with a mere hint of green as lawns brag their bright prominence amidst the lingering brown of winter.

Unfortunately, the winter has also yielded a fresh crop of litter thrown out windows and blown into yards. Among the shock of green lawns sparkles glass from bottles carelessly shattered by those enjoying a less stable state of mind. Pet waste leaves circles of death outlined with a dark shade of green. Obviously the owners of these pets don't want to clean up waste in their own yards and seek to provide these nice little gifts to their neighbors.

The broken-window theory states that if an area is left in disarray or blight, it draws more blight. If you eliminate the disarray and blight, it likewise results in habits of order and cleanliness. Pettigrew Heights is a neighborhood that needs no more coaxing for blight or disorder. As usual, we find ourselves picking up the garbage strewn in disrespect. Thank you for doing this. If we all keep at it, they will see that this is not the place for their garbage to rest. Sometimes, it is unfortunate, but we find ourselves needing to vocalize to these folks our objection to their view of our yards as their trash can. I usually have a bag conveniently by the door for dog owners that "forgot" theirs. The look on their faces is so priceless, it is worth the jog down the block to catch them.

Happy Spring, Pettigrew Heights!